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Inspektion der Konzentrationslager

1934 ernennt der Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler den vormaligen Kommandanten des KZ Dachau, Theodor Eicke, zum Inspekteur der Konzentrationslager. Einige Monate später wird die gleichnamige Behörde gebildet (IKL). Sie ist für die Führung und Bewachung von insgesamt 32 KZ-Hauptlagern zuständig und gilt als Zentrale des KZ-Terrors: Die IKL organisiert in regelmäßigen Besprechungen den gesamten Lageralltag samt den dort begangenen Verbrechen an Häftlingen.

The SS (»Schutzstaffel«) under the leadership of Heinrich Himmler was envisioned as an elite paramilitary organisation of the National Socialist state. With Himmler’s takeover and reorganisation of the police, the SS became the regime’s central instrument of terror. In 1934, it was given control over all concentration camps. The Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), formed in 1939 as the planning centre for crimes in German-occupied Europe, was subordinated to it.

Inspection of the concentration camps

In 1934, Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler appointed the former commandant of Dachau concentration camp, Theodor Eicke, as inspector of the concentration camps. A few months later, the authority of the same name was formed (IKL). This institution was responsible for overseeing the management and guarding of 32 main camps and became the central authority of concentration camp terror: in regular meetings, the IKL coordinated the daily operations of the camps, including the crimes committed against prisoners.

Inspektion der Konzentrationslager (IKL)

1934 ernennt der Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler den vormaligen Kommandanten des KZ Dachau, Theodor Eicke, zum Inspekteur der Konzentrationslager. Einige Monate später wird die gleichnamige Behörde gebildet (IKL). Sie ist für die Führung und Bewachung von insgesamt 32 KZ-Hauptlagern zuständig und gilt als Zentrale des KZ-Terrors: Die IKL organisiert in regelmäßigen Besprechungen den gesamten Lageralltag samt den dort begangenen Verbrechen an Häftlingen.

The SS (»Schutzstaffel«) under the leadership of Heinrich Himmler was envisioned as an elite paramilitary organisation of the National Socialist state. With Himmler’s takeover and reorganisation of the police, the SS became the regime’s central instrument of terror. In 1934, it was given control over all concentration camps. The Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), formed in 1939 as the planning centre for crimes in German-occupied Europe, was subordinated to it.

Inspection of the concentration camps

In 1934, Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler appointed the former commandant of Dachau concentration camp, Theodor Eicke, as inspector of the concentration camps. A few months later, the authority of the same name was formed (IKL). This institution was responsible for overseeing the management and guarding of 32 main camps and became the central authority of concentration camp terror: in regular meetings, the IKL coordinated the daily operations of the camps, including the crimes committed against prisoners.